The first step of virtually all of our modalities at Aromatica is the “Valor Balance”. Why do we start with this step? It’s because it sends the receiver into the most beautiful state of relaxation, much deeper than they’d achieve simply through lying there. The more relaxed they are, the more effective every other move is on their body and Spirit….because in that state of pure relaxation, they become much more able to receive. And when there’s that pure exchange of giving and receiving – well, that’s where miracles occur.
Performing a Valor Balance is extremely simple – it can even be taught to children. Here’s how we like to do it at Aromatica:
Place 3 drops of Valor oil blend into your right palm, and rub it three times clockwise under your recipient’s right foot. Then place 3 drops of Valor into your left palm, and rub it three times clockwise under your recipient’s left foot.
Then simply hold for 5 to 10 minutes, with your right palm under your recipient’s right foot, and your left palm under their left foot. If your recipient is face-up, that means your arms will be crossed over. If they are face-down, your arms are not crossed. Ideally you want your palms to have perfect contact with the arch of the feet.
When we say we hold for 5 to 10 minutes, that’s an approximation. Ideally, we want to hold until the energy of both feet feel even in both temperature and vibrations, and balanced. That can be as quick as 2 minutes, or it can extend to 10 minutes or longer.

Even if the energy balances very quickly, there’s no harm in continuing to hold. The longer we hold, the deeper our recipient sinks. That’s why we’ll usually hold a Valor Balance for at least 5 minutes.
Valor essential oil is a blend of essential oils that the Roman soldiers wore into battle. It helped to give them courage, confidence and self-esteem, so that they approached the battle knowing they were unbeatable. This makes sense, because Valor oil has the same frequency as our skeleton, so it instructs our skeleton to stand tall and strong, grounding and balancing us. We love to joke and call it the “Chiropractor in a bottle”, because of the way in which it inspires inner alignment.

Yet Valor oil is also our “rescue remedy” of essential oils. Its calming aroma helps to settle agitation, and is beautiful to use in the face of any emotional upset or trauma. In fact, if you’re able to see auras, you will see how Valor oil helps to rebalance the aura, smoothing out any hollows or dints, allowing a green light to emanate from the energy field in the area where the body is most in need of support.
Giving yourself a Valor Balance is a beautiful way to start every day, by grounding and balancing your own energy, helping you to feel unbeatable and unshakable like the Roman soldiers. It’s also a beautiful gift to give to children and loved ones at night, or in the wake of any emotional event. This 5 or 10 minutes that you spend with a child each evening is quality time that supports connection, love and safety, and which paves the way for them having a deliciously deep and relaxing sleep.

So regardless of whether a Valor Balance is a part of your every day, a way to express your love to someone you care about, or something you spoil yourself with when you have a treatment with one of our practitioners, know that it’s making a difference and creating a strong foundation for both giver and receiver. If you would like to experience the wonders of Valor oil for yourself, contact us and we’d love to help, or reach out to any of our practitioners.
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