
Raindrop Technique
Imagine the sensation of sinking into a deep and blissful state of rest, as you receive an aromatic energy balance followed by ancient Tibetan reflexology on your feet. As you slowly (even reluctantly) come back to your body and roll over, you experience the gentle splashes as 9 therapeutic-grade essential oils are applied up your spine and to your tired muscles. These are “feathered in” using a spine-tingling technique inspired by Native Americans, and your back is further invigorated with a combination of exotic bodywork and massage techniques. Sound like heaven? It sure is!
Raindrop Technique is so much more than a massage – it’s a sensory smorgasboard that leaves body and mind invigorated and relaxed.

Canine Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique isn’t just for people. It’s the perfect technique to use on all breeds of dogs – to pamper and bond with them, to offer emotional support if they’re scared, timid, aggressive or have a history of abuse, to nourish them after illness, injury or in palliative care situations, and as pre- or post-workout support for competition dogs.
Canine Raindrop Technique is so much more than a massage! It follows the same steps as human Raindrop Technique, where 9 essential oils are applied to their hind legs, spine and back/neck muscles, and massaged in. This is combined with Tibetan Reflexology and ancient Egyptian and Native American energy work. Watch how pampered and relaxed they’ll be!

Equine Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique isn’t just for people. It’s the perfect technique to use on your horse – to bond with them, to offer emotional support if they’re nervous, jittery, sour or have a history of abuse, to rebalance them after injury, illness or during palliative care, and as pre- or post-workout support for the ridden or competition horse.
Equine Raindrop Technique is so much more than a massage! You’ll be amazed how deeply it relaxes any horse. It follows the same steps as human Raindrop Technique, where 9 essential oils are applied to their hind legs, spine and back/neck muscles, and massaged in. This is combined with Tibetan Reflexology and Ancient Egyptian & Native American energy work.

Egyptian Emotional Clearing
Based on an ancient Egyptian ritual for “cleansing of the spirit”, the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is performed in silence and reverence. After a sacred water ceremony and a setting of intention, you are anointed with 13 essential oil blends for emotional support – blends like Joy, Inner Child, Release, Hope and Forgiveness – interspersed with some gentle reiki, body harmony or chakra balancing.
The aroma of these essential oils stimulates memories and emotions, transporting you on an inner vision quest to reconnect with your inner self, and gently release issues that are causing emotional challenges. The end result is a heightened state of peace, presence and mental clarity.

Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage is a Swedish massage with added benefits. The same long, rhythmic massage strokes are used. However, the addition of heated basalt river rocks under the practitioner’s hands allow the muscles to relax even more effectively than with pressure alone.
Hot stones are massaged along the back, shoulders and legs and on either side of the arms and legs. Stones can etch muscles for a deeper massage, or be tapped or rubbed together to create heat & vibration that transfers to the body. They can also be placed on the body for warmth and comfort.
Our courses also incorporate massage oil infused with essential oils to awaken the senses and deepen the relaxation.

Vita Flex Technique
Vita Flex Technique is an ancient Tibetan reflexology which uses a unique and rhythmic rolling motion of the fingers to create “on” and “off” electrical pulses. These run along the meridians of the body to clear channels and rebalance the various organs.
As with other forms of reflexology, the feet and hands map the organs and systems of the body. The complete Vita Flex Technique is performed from the knees to the ankles and on both sides of the feet. There are also many other Vita Flex moves which can be used for specific situations, such as for headaches, hearing, heart support, thyroid & parathyroid, scalp relaxation, balancing the atlas, and as a lymphatic pump.

AromaBliss Technique
Essential oils have a unique ability to transform emotional blockages in people and animals – including during palliative care. The AromaBliss Technique can be performed in 45 to 60 minutes, and balances both the aura and chakras (including the palm chakras).
It begins with a simple water ceremony where the aura is spritzed and cleansed with essential oils. This is followed by a sacred anointing ritual, where specific “receptor” chakras are anointed with essential oil blends such as Stress Away, Surrender and Awaken, in order to promote transformation and release. A special blend is then used to access the aura’s “circulatory” system to release a lifetime of hurts, replacing it with light and bliss.

Chakra Sutra
Discover the traditional wisdom of the Chakras (Energy Centres), and how they affect your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Learn to facilitate online workshops and wellness retreats, where you:
1. Offer practical ways to balance the chakras, designing and creating tailored sessions to suit the unique and individual needs of your clients.
2. Create your own online and in person Chakra Sutra Clinic. Learn how to design individual client care programs to suit you & your clients’ work and home life balance.
3. Use holistic principles to tailor your programs to your clients in a way that supports them physically, mentally & spiritually, guiding them towards products & resources that can support them between sessions.

It’s been a difficult time on our Planet, and many people are finding their nervous system in a fight/flight, stress or trauma response. The ParaSET Technique helps to reset the parasympathetic nervous system, reconnecting you to centredness, peace, clarity and joy.
It’s a gentle yet immensely transformative technique which involves a simple water ceremony and anointing the body and energy field with 11 sacred essential oils, in combination with energy work and the power of intention. Essential oils like Palo Santo and Melissa inspire grounding, protection and safety, Vetiver transmutes toxic emotional energy, and Jasmine, Rose, Sacred Sandalwood and Sacred Frankincense connect you to the divine.