ParaSET Technique

“Imagine receiving a hug from an Angel;
That’s what this technique feels like!”
Are you struggling in our crazy world? There are so many challenges being placed in our paths, it’s often difficult to remain centred and balanced.
The ParaSET Technique resets our parasympathetic nervous system, helping us to step out of any fight/flight, stress or trauma response, and return to centredness, peace, clarity and joy.
It’s a gentle yet immensely transformative technique which involves anointing the body and energy field with 11 sacred essential oils and blends, in combination with energy work and the power of intention.

Who is it for?
The ParaSET Technique is perfectly suited to anyone who is:
- Experiencing intense physical or emotional stress
- Dealing with grief and loss
- Has an important decision to make
- Recovering from a traumatic event
- Facing conflict and turmoil in any relationship
- Wanting to experience a reconnection with their heart and Soul
The experience is like a softening into our true Self. It reminds us of the beauty of our heart, and how worthy we are to be loved. Its results are profound, and full of unexpected gifts.
What is the ParaSET Technique?
What if we could show you how to give yourself, your loved ones and your clients a PROFOUND experience of self-care, using some of the world’s rarest and most highly-prized essential oils, including Rose, Melissa, Sacred Sandalwood, Sacred Frankincense and Jasmine?
In the early 90’s, Gary Young (the founder of Young Living Essential Oils) was privileged to be able to film and photograph hieroglyphs along the walls of a special room in the Temple of Isis on the Island of Philae (in Egypt). These were translated at the University of Cairo, and depicted an ancient anointing ritual involving essential oils, that the Pharaohs, Priests and Priestesses of Egypt used to elevate their consciousness and release their emotional demons.
Gary went on to create a range of essential oil blends to target emotions, and he combined some of these into a simple anointing technique which he called “emotional clearing technique”.
Aromatica’s founder Artemis learned this technique from Gary in 2000, and used it as the inspiration to create a beautiful modality that combines essential oils, anointing, energy work and intention. This modality incorporates many of the Egyptian elements as described in those hieroglyphs, and Artemis named it the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique (EECT).
It uses essential oil blends that target every aspect of our emotional experience, drawing us wherever we need to go within a session.
However, there are many other essential oils and blends that target emotions and spirit, which are not part of the EECT collection of oil blends.
This inspired Artemis to create two new modalities, AromaBliss Technique and the ParaSET Technique, as alternative journeys to the EECT.
Where EECT uses 14 essential oil blends and takes a couple of hours to perform, AromaBliss and ParaSET Technique each use 11 essential oils, and can be performed in as little as 45 to 60 minutes.
All of these techniques provide a gateway to people seeking emotional transformation, and because they each use a different combination of essential oils on different locations in the body, they help to target different aspects of our emotional and spiritual journey:
- The EECT is a wonderful “all rounder” for any emotional challenge in our life.
- AromaBliss #1 (aka “AromaBliss”) lifts us up into happiness and joy.
- AromaBliss #2 (aka the “ParaSET Technique”) resets the Parasympathetic nervous system and soothes and reconnects us, like receiving an Angelic hug.
The ParaSET Technique uses eleven of Young Living’s most exquisite and highly-prized essential oils, including Rose, Melissa, Jasmine, Sacred Sandalwood, Sacred Frankincense, Palo Santo, Vetiver, Orange, Abundance, Australian Kuranya and Valor.
Where Vetiver oil represents the sacred masculine, Melissa oil represents the sacred feminine. The combination of these two oils creates a state of infinite safety, like being held in Mother Nature’s womb. This allows the recipient to enter into a deep reconnection with their true self. As the remaining sacred oils are anointed and received by body and soul, the recipient is lifted into a state of union and pure love.

How can essential oils transform emotions?
The aromas of essential oils stimulate the limbic region of our brain (our subconscious), helping to unlock memories and their associated emotions. Like a Master facilitator, they work with an innate intelligence, guiding us into the areas we most need to explore for our own healing.
AromaBliss #2 (aka the “ParaSET Technique”) resets the Parasympathetic nervous system and soothes and reconnects us, like receiving an Angelic hug.The limbic region of our brain is also the centre of our spiritual connection, so spiritual experiences and reconnections are also common during these techniques.
The ParaSET Technique uses some of the world’s most highly prized and expensive oils, to carry the receiver into a transcendental state.

What our students SAY…
I got off the table after my session and felt like I was floating. I felt like I wanted to hug everybody and connect with everybody in the room. As a result of the ParaSET Technique, my energy has completely shifted! I feel like there is an abundance in my life that is happening in all kinds of different ways. Not just financial, but also relationships, family, being more present and being more grateful for life. It’s like I have been brought back to myself and I’m starting to understand who I am, and what I want.
StudentI would encourage every person to either learn this technique and share it with others or have a session yourself. We need more good in the world. We need this energy that is bringing love and support to us, to move through everything going on around us, so we can be the light in this world.
StudentThe ParaSET Technique sends the receiver into a deeeep state of relaxation very quickly. Even those people who have difficulty letting go will be taken gently but firmly on their own inner journey, where the mind has no choice but to allow and let go.
StudentLearning the ParaSET technique was such a beautiful experience. Can you imagine the feeling in the room when everyone took a drop of Rose oil at the same time to give to their recipients? It was heaven! But the biggest WOW moment for me is when you wake up the person on your table, and see the absolute wonder on their face. True bliss!!!
StudentHaving lived in the US for 9 years, I desperately wanted to be back in Melbourne, but since returning I have felt displaced for the past 18 months. I am happy to say that the next day after experiencing the ParaSet Technique, things started to change very positively for me. I’m feeling like I fit in and belong here again. It’s had a fabulous impact, and I can’t wait to share it with my family and friends.
StudentLearning the ParaSET technique from Artemis was an incredible, mind-blowing experience. The smell in the room was divine. After the technique my body felt lighter and calmer, as if my troubles were lifted from me. Each person’s experience was unique and what the body needed. I highly recommend it!
StudentMy experience of the ParaSET Technique was ‘Out of Body’. I was so incredibly relaxed and uplifted that I felt as though I was floating above the table. I’ve now had three sessions, and each time I’ve noticed that the following week is filled with abundance – things like getting paid for something I’d forgotten about, getting more client bookings, bigger numbers of people turning up to my Seniors’ exercise classes, and lots of other little things. It’s a magical technique.
StudentAs each oil was applied during the ParaSET Technique, I had an amazing experience. When Vetiver oil was applied to my sternum, I could feel my breathing getting deeper without any effort. As I’m asthmatic, it’s so rare for me to be able to breathe deeper, and this happened with so much ease. I had a peaceful sleep that night and woke so fresh with a clear mind and energy the next morning.
StudentI love to give Raindrop Technique and AromaBliss Technique… but the ParaSET Technique takes things to a whole other frequency! I love it!

Learn the ParaSET Technique
AromaBliss Technique and the ParaSET Technique are both taught as part of the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique course. This is run as a 7 day residential retreat. When it’s held in Byron Bay (our usual venue), you have the blessing of staying on-site in our 5 star mansion set amidst nature. In addition to check in and check out day, there are 5 full days of teaching, and a day of play.
Learning Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique, AromaBliss and ParaSET Technique is a beautiful and intuitive way to help yourself, your loved ones and clients to reconnect with their inner self, and gently release issues that are causing emotional challenges. The shifts that can occur during these techniques are truly profound.
Whether you want to perform these exquisite techniques on your family and friends, or offer the techniques professionally, or whether you want to simply learn more about how to use therapeutic-grade essential oils, this course is a must.
And because this is a practitioner course (incorporating a written and practical assessment), at the successful completion of all the course material you are able to gain insurance cover for performing Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique, AromaBliss Technique and the ParaSET Technique professionally.
That’s right – three modalities, for the price of one!
Head to Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique to find out more about this course, what you will learn, and how to obtain practitioner insurance cover for these three modalities.